Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Comparison Between Export Agents and Distributors Essay Example for Free

Comparison Between Export Agents and Distributors Essay Many companies have often found themselves in a dilemma on whether to use export agents or distributors when they decide to venture overseas. This is therefore not a problem constrained to ABLE Limited only. This dilemma often arises from the inability to distinguish between the functions of export agents and distributors. Even with complete knowledge of roles that agents and distributors play in the import and export business, companies still find it challenging to choose the channel to use for distribution of their goods. Perhaps the first step to coming up with a decision on whether to use agents or distributors would be to address the advantages and shortcomings of each. This paper seeks to differentiate agents from distributors which will help in making proper choices when venturing into the export business. Export Agents An agent by definition refers to a person who acts on behalf of a person or company in return for an agents fee. Similarly, an import/export agent acts on behalf of a company to organize import and export deals with customers and suppliers in overseas markets. Import/export agent are at times said to work like brokers only that they serve to bring two parties together for mutual trade benefit. The agents do not engage in physical contact with the goods and their major objectives are to market the principles products, get customers and connect them to the principle who in turn executes the sale directly. To achieve these objectives, an agent usually conducts surveys, negotiates with buyers, undertakes promotional activities and handles any documentation and logistics involved in the sale of goods. It is the duty of an export agent to develop market strategies in targeted countries, introduce potential customers, make contacts and also place orders for the principles goods. When a deal is sealed, the agent receives a commission for sales made in addition to the deposit paid when the agent was hired. The principle also undertakes payment of all the expenses incurred by the agent in marketing and formalizing the deal which involves administration and tax settlements with the foreign government. Before entering into a contract with an agent it is important to establish their affordability, their knowledge of the overseas markets and networks; whether the agents offer their services to a competitor and whether they sell direct to end users or to companies. It is also important o sample sale deals they have made for other companies to establish their ability to benefit the company. The advantage of using an agent is that it saves the company from undertaking the rigorous export procedures. In other words, the company only needs to part with the agent commission and it is assured that their goods enter the overseas market. This is in addition to the fact that the agent knows the market well which is better than starting afresh in an unknown country. The agent undertakes almost all the work so that it is relatively easy for the company. Due to their vast knowledge of the target market, agents prove best when venturing in new overseas markets. As indicated earlier, agents take it upon themselves to advertise the companys product so as to make sales and hence earn a commission. This is likely to make them work harder which is of mutual benefit to the company when its sales increase. Another advantage that the company stands to gain by using agents is that the company may choose to control the agents operations such that it can limit the agent to desired territories. The company can also set the agent free to execute the deals to the best of his knowledge to maximize sales. When using an agent, the company gets to control the prices of its goods in the market since it will deal with customers directly after they are introduced by the agent. There are however disadvantages associated with using agents. Firstly, agents may prove expensive to hire and their commissions may highly reduce the companys potential profits. Secondly, the company bears any market risks and credit risks when dealing with the customers who are introduced. Agents do not purchase from the company directly and neither do they undertake delivery and after sales services. This means that the company may need warehousing facilities as goods await delivery in the overseas market. It must also undertake the provision of after sales services. Export distributors Distributors are companies that buy the firms product for resale in their countries. The distributor acquires possession or title of the good undertakes the risk of resale. This indicates that a distributor acts like a retailer or wholesaler and undertakes the distribution of the goods aiming at obtaining profits from the sales by selling the goods at a higher price the he bought them from the company. The distributor takes responsibility for the shipment of goods to their premises, undertakes the paper work so that the company does not have to bear these costs as opposed to using an agent. The company can appoint distributors available in the market from a list of distributors usually available in international directories. A company can also make use of agents to select distributors to undertake sale of their products. In the appointment of a distributor, the company needs to look out for the warehouse management skills and procedures of the distributor; knowledge of technical characteristics of the companys goods; ability to handle marketing campaigns; credit worthiness and their ability to form a constant market for the firms products. Export distributors are advantageous to the company because they bear all the risks involved in the distribution process in the overseas country. These include tax liability, instances of loss and credit risk. They are convenient in that they provide any necessary after sales services that the goods may require such as installation and delivery. Since distributors aim at making more sales, they are likely to get involved in marketing campaigns which help to expand the firms competitiveness in the market. Warehousing expenses are eliminated because distributors normally have well established inventory warehouses for their merchandise. In many cases, it has proved less expensive to use distributors rather than deal with the customers directly. The distributor handles all the shipment charges and formalities which offers simplicity to the company. Further, the firm does not have to incur agent costs and other costs associated with distribution such as transport costs, logistics and tax liabilities. The absorption of market risks by the distributor is especially advantageous to the company. Since a distributor is likely to offer credit to customers, more customers are attracted to the distributor which increases customer base. The disadvantages of using distributors is that the company is unlikely to exert strict control over their operations. It is upon distributors to act in a manner that is most profitable for them and how they market sell the product cannot be limited. Anti-trust laws in certain countries prohibit companies from dictating prices such that the company may not have control over the prices that the distributor sets. Any mistakes made by the distributor represents the company and this may impact in the companys product demand. Finally, distributors are often known to demand heavy discounts and credit terms since they claim that they are eliminating many trade risks for the company. Conclusion Having identified and scrutinized the applicability of the two methods of selling overseas, it is upon the company to make a decision on which one to take based on the characteristics identified. It is notable that the difference between an agent and a distributor is that the agent is a representative of the company to the customers but does not undertake physical distribution of the goods. The company therefore sells to the customer directly once the agent has convinced him to buy form the company. A distributor on the other hand buys goods from the company which are in turn sold to customers at a profit. There are advantages and disadvantages of using either method of distribution and it is the firms requirements that will determine the choice that ABLE Limited makes. Word Count: 1349 Bibliography Jansson, Hans. Industrial products: a guide to the international marketing economics model. UK: Haworth Press, 1994 Johnson, Thomas. Export/import procedures and documentation. New York: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn, 2002

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Black Athletes in Society Essay -- essays research papers fc

Introduction In the collegiate world of sports, basketball has become an increasingly recognized sport among African Americans, predominantly males. The hope of any young basketball player is that one day a scout will come and recruit them into stardom The question that presents itself as a problem to the lucky few who are chosen to go professional, is whether or not an education is more important than a million dollar shoe deal, â€Å"The NCAA's (1998) annual six-year study reported that only 33% of Black male basketball players graduated, (Chronicle of Higher Education, 1999). Individually, basketball reported the lowest graduation rate in all divisions,† (Robinson, 2004:1). Basketball players have become so idolized in the eyes of young Black male basketball athletes, that the value of education appear to be less important in the development of these young men, â€Å"According to Sailes (1997), there is an over-representation of Black males in particular sports and an under-representat ion in other segments of American society. He provides the example of percentages of Black males competing in the NBA (77%), NFL (65%), MLB (15%), and MLS (16%) in comparison to the fact that fewer than 2% of doctors, lawyers, architects, college professors, or business executives are Black males.†, (Robinson, 2004:1). The idea of the attainment of a professional basketball player’s salary in the NBA, without even having to go to school for the time it takes to earn a degree is very appealing to some players. Those with a wealthy, or even upper-middle class upbringing may not view material assets as a priority. In the Black community, we have theorized that money and success play a more important role than education in most households. Although these two seem to go together, one resulting from the other, this does not apply in the sports world. Our research will examine the role that the family value system plays in influencing Black vs. White male athletes to turn prof essional, as opposed to obtaining a college degree before turning professional. The role of the family value system encouraging Black male athletes to graduate from college appears to be less influential than that of White male athletes. The attainment of a professional basketball contract is more important because the value system in African American families appears to be focused more on immediate gratification. So r... ...r   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Education Statistics. No date of posting/revision given. 20 Apr. 2004   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This website provides the information on the graduation rates of all races. It also gives one important factor when studying the Black community’s graduation rates, â€Å"Black may be 12% of population, but only 3% of PHD, 6.7% of Bachelors Degrees,† and therefore encouraging the idea that the Black community does not support education as one of its main priorities. Robinson, Mark D. Ph. D. â€Å"Every Black Kid Should Strive to Be a Professional Athlete†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Black Athlete Sports Network. 10 May 2004   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This article proposes the idea of what would happen if Black people really embraced the sports world and made that their priority instead of education, â€Å"He provides the example of percentages of Black males competing in the NBA (77%), NFL (65%), MLB (15%), and MLS (16%) in comparison to the fact that fewer than 2% of doctors, lawyers, architects, college professors, or business executives are Black males,†. Dr. Robinson brings up the sta†¦..

Monday, January 13, 2020

Associate Degree in Nursing Essay

Healthcare systems and the way safe, quality health care is delivered are continually changing to better serve patients and communities. Professional nursing practice is a large component in the healthcare system today. Back in the 1960s, professional nursing leaders tried to adopt the bachelor degree programs as the only educational track to become a registered nurse (Creasia & Friberg, 2011). Due to nursing shortages and demands this motive did not hold fast. Individuals entering the nursing profession today must first decide which educational pathway to take to become a Registered Nurse (RN). Although there are studies that suggest nurses with a higher level of education have better overall outcomes, there still exist different educational pathways one can take to become a registered nurse. The two most popular educational programs today are the Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Both programs prepare students to sit for the state’s NCLEX exam and obtain a registered nurse license. Each educational pathway poses different advantages and disadvantages. The associate level degree can be obtained in two to three years and offered through community colleges and technical schools. Because the length of the program is shorter than the BSN program, this can be viewed as an advantage, saving both time and money. ADN nurses are typically educated to be direct care providers, usually employed by hospitals and long term care facilities. The course of study includes general education and clinical nursing classes (Creasia & Friberg, 2011). Technical skills are emphasized in the ADN programs, leaving little time for critical thinking skills. According to the American Association of College of Nursing (AACN), ADN nurses are better suited to work at the bedside in less complicated plans of care (Baccalaureate Degree, 2000). The associate degree nurse does possess good technical skills. The bachelor level degree can be obtained in four years by attending a college or university. Obviously, the BSN program will take more time and money over the ADN program. Although most colleges and universities offer traditional four year nursing programs, some offer accelerated programs. It will usually cost the same, however you are able to enter the nursing profession sooner. Unlike the ADN program, â€Å"the BSN nurse is better prepared to practice in all health care settings – critical care, outpatient, public health, and mental health† (Baccalaureate Degree, 2000, para. 8). In addition to the content taught in ADN programs, the humanistic BSN education encompasses more of the physical and social sciences (Impact of Education, 2011). The BSN nurse is better prepared to work more independently, therefore is well qualified to practice in healthcare systems outside of the hospital. Bachelor programs â€Å"prepare professional nurse generalists for acute care settings, community-based practice, and beginning leadership /management positions† (Creasia & Friberg, 2011, p. 32). This course of study is crucial to the delivery of good, safe, quality patient care. There have been several research studies completed to see if there is a correlation between higher RN education level and better patient outcomes. Several studies concluded there is decrease in mortality rates within hospitals that employee a greater percentage of bachelor prepared nurses (Creating a More, 2011). There are several patient care situations within hospitals in which a BSN nurse would be better qualified to create and manage a patient’s plan of care. Suppose a 28 year old American Indian female was admitted for preterm labor at 32 works gestation with a history of non-compliant diabetes since age 15. Both the ADN and BSN nurse could clinically perform a thorough assessment of the patient, monitor fetal condition and uterine activity, and administer medications. This patient needs more than just acute clinical care; she needs education and resources on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle for her and for the child she will soon be raising. A BSN practitioner has extensive training in cultural, social, and economic areas and would be a much better provider of care than the ADN nurse. Both ADN and BSN nurses will usually start at the same salary in the hospital or long term care facility, the ADN nurse will be limited to career advancements and opportunities. Charge nurse positions may be available in some organizations; however any position of higher level will almost always require an advanced education. Years of experience will sometimes be of relevance for a higher level position, but ultimately, these positions go to individuals who hold a bachelors and/or masters degree. As healthcare settings and delivery of care change, more nursing positions require the Bachelors of Science degree to be hired (Baccalaureate Degree, 2000). Overall, studies and research have proven the BSN nurse to be better prepared professionally for the ever changing healthcare systems of our world today and tomorrow. There have been great strides by nursing leaders and organizations around the nation to increase the number of bachelor degree nurses from 50% to 80% by the year 2020 (Employment of New Nurse, 2011). Even though deciding which educational pathway to take now is still up to the individual, research points to the BSN program. Choosing the BSN educational pathway over the ADN not only provides a broader spectrum of education to better serve patients and communities, but also opens many doors of opportunity for growth and advancement.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Effects Of Obesity On Children s Life Essay - 1350 Words

Today in the 21st century we have experienced an amazing amount of increase in technology, science, engineering and many other things. One of the things that has increased the most is technology, we are so advanced in technology that now organs can be transported in a machine that will keep them going, this means that organ transplants are transported safely and there is no time limit to the amount of time organs can last. Technology has grown so much that colonization in mars is very likely to happen soon. But as technology grows there has also been a huge amount of increase in weight. Obesity is something that many people in the United States suffer from, currently according to the CDC more than 36.5% of adults and 17% of children suffer from childhood obesity. These numbers keep growing year by year, and if these numbers continue to rise, obesity can have a huge impact in peoples life especially children’s. Children who are obese can suffer from high blood pressure, breathi ng problems, joint problems, cardiac disease, and low self-esteem and according to the CDC â€Å"obesity and disease risk factors in adulthood are more likely to be more severe in children who suffer from childhood obesity,† meaning that when children grow to be adults they are more likely to suffer from obesity and have more severe diseases than those children who do not suffer from obesity in their early childhood. This can have a great impact in their adult life because it can prevent them from doingShow MoreRelatedObesity The Problem Of Children!. Are You Aware Of1662 Words   |  7 Pages Obesity the problem of children! Are you aware of that over million American children are struggling with obesity? Obesity is a serious medical and psychological condition that affects children, adult, and elderly people. According to WHO, People who are above the normal weight for their age and height are called obese. 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